Experience the Knysna estuary by boat

Experience the Knysna estuary by boat

Did you know that the width of the channel between the Knysna heads is 230 meters, with only a 50m actually navigable to pass through?

Knysna cruise through the heads

The Knysna estuary is home to an abundance of many species of fauna and flora and is considered the most important estuary in terms of biodiversity significance in South Africa and besides that it has the most picturesque setting with the view, from de VIEW, over the Knysna Heads.
Did you know that the width of the channel between the heads is 230 meters, with only a 50m actually navigable to pass through?

Besides providing sanctuary and food to wide and diverse array of fish and birds, the estuary is also home to the Knysna seahorse, SA’s only native and rare seahorse species.
But enough trivia, a must do when you have the opportunity is to experience the estuary by boat to truly experience it splendor whilst enjoying some refreshments and spectacular sunsets bathed in colours over the water.
There are numerous sunset cruise options as well as boat cruises during the day and we recommend taking the time to see Knysna from a different perspective.

Cruise providers includes:
Explore Knysna | Tel: +27 83 260 6644 | info@exploreknysna.com Find a list of various chartering options from whale watching, speed cruises, sunset cruises or just general lagoon charters to explore the estuary.

Featherbed | Tel: +27 (0)44 382-1693 The Featherbed offers various eco experiences from hiking the western head to lunch or dinner on their Paddle Cruiser, South Africa’s only paddle-driven vessel or their floating restaurant, the John Benn.

Knysna Charters | Tel/WhatsApp: +27 (0) 82 892 0469 | Email: info@knysnacharters.com
Feel free to contact us to make a booking on your behalf.

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